Reederei Roth

More than 50 years of expertise and experience

For more than 50 years, our fleet has reliably and safely transported the cargo entrusted to us across the world's oceans. We combine tradition with innovation to set the highest quality standards in shipping and strive for sustainable growth.

1972 - 1980
Growth and versatility

Through the acquisition of tonnage already in service, mainly multi-purpose vessels of the 36L, German Liberty, Trampco and Neptun types, the company continued to expand and, as a classic tramp shipping company, served the global liner shipping industry with vessels tailored to their needs. During this time, the size of the vessels has varied from 2,000 to 16,000 tdw.

1981 - 1990
Customised service offerings and strategic direction

While the breakbulk market is shrinking in favour of containers, Reederei Roth is deliberately focusing on individual bulk shipments of coal, ore, steel and grain. This focus has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of general cargo vessels. The acquisition of the handysize bulk carrier "Menina C" marks the beginning of the development of a bulk cargo fleet. In addition, from 1986 onwards, we continued to expand our range of services and, in addition to our own vessels, we also provided technical and full service support for vessels owned by other shipping companies.

1991 - 2000
Highest standards of bulk handling and safety

With the sale of the last general cargo vessel, the transition to bulk shipping is completed. The Roth shipping company now operates handysize bulk carriers with capacities ranging from 24,000 to 33,000 tdw. These vessels are equipped with their own loading gear and grabs and can therefore load, transport and unload completely autonomously.
In 1997, we were one of the first German shipping companies to be certified by Germanischer Lloyd to SOLAS-ISM requirements. Annual audits ensure that our quality standards are maintained.
Two years later, we made the leap into the Panamax size class with the acquisition of the Global F, a 73,700 tdw bulk carrier built in Japan.

2001 - 2008
Cost effective solutions and high performance

During this period, we managed four bulk carriers and took over the technical management of other vessels for third parties. In 2003, the company moves its headquarters from Hamburg City North to Hallerstrasse. Our third party management activities continue to expand: From specific services to a complete range of services, we offer tailor-made solutions for our partners.

2009 - 2021
Looking Ahead and Changing Generations

A generational change has been underway since 2009. To make our fleet more sustainable and future-proof, we are strategically converting it to handysize bulk carriers and investing early in more economical newbuildings. This repositioning makes us a pioneer in the industry.
2017-2021, we are a joint project partner with the Central Institute for Occupational and Maritime Medicine (ZfAM) and the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) in the EU-funded project "e-healthy ship". The aim is to optimise health management on board merchant ships and the well-being of the crew through innovative measures and interdisciplinary approaches.

2022 until today
Focus on digitalisation and innovation

We have contracted the latest expansion phase of our handysize bulk carriers since 2022. We are focusing on digitalisation and cutting-edge technologies to maximise efficiency and sustainability, continuing our success story as a pioneer in strategic alignment and forward-looking decisions.